
Minggu, 10 Februari 2013

Alqur'an and Sunnah

Asalamuallaikum wr wb
Alhamdulilah hirobil alamin wabihinastain waala umuridunya Wadin wasolatuwasalamu asrofil ahya i war Mursalin waala alihi wasoh bihi ajmain.
Rusululah saw wasalam said in hadistnya
Hadeeth of the Prophet SAW, namely:
"I leave with you two things, and ye would not go astray during cling to both the Book of Allah (Al-Qur'an and Sunnah of His Messenger).
A. Al-Quran
The Qur'an is the primary source of Islamic teachings. The Qur'an is the revelation of Allah as revealed to His Messenger, Prophet Muhammad SAW. Al-Qur'an preserved and maintained by God, according to his word as follows:
"Surely We sent down the Qur'an and indeed Al = We really care for it." (Qur'an 15:9)
"So if they do not pay attention to the Qur'an. Had it Koran from other than Allah, they would get a lot of contradictions in it. "(Sura 4:82)
The Qur'an presents the highest level in terms of human life. Very marvels not only for believers, but for unbelievers. The Qur'an was first revealed on the 17th of Ramadan (Nuzulul Qur'an). Revelation is the first one down times are Alaq Letters, verses 1-5. The Qur'an has several other names, among others, is the Qur'an (Surah al-Isra: 9), Al-Kitab (Surat al-Baqoroh: 1-2), Al-Furqan (Qur'an -Furqan: 1), At-Tanzil (QS> As-Syu'ara: 192), adh-Dhikr (Surat al-Hijr: 1-9).
The content of the Qur'an, such as:
1. Principles of faith (Tawheed) in Allah, belief in angels, the apostles, the books, the final day, qodli-qodor, and so on.
2. Shari'ah principles as the foundation of human life so that no one path and remain in the right corridor how amenjalin relationship to God (hablun minallah, worship) and (hablun minannas, mu'amalah).
3. Promise or news to who do good (Bashir) and the threat of punishment for those who commit sin (nadzir).
4. Story-purse history, such as the stories of the prophets, the people of the past, both the righteous and the rebellious act of God.
5. Fundamentals and cues science: astronomy, physics, chemistry, law, geography, economics, agriculture, health, technology, literature, culture, sociology, psychology, and so on.
Asserted the primacy of the Qur'an in Word Rasullullah, among others:
1. The best man among you is he who learn the Qur'an and teach it
2. My people are the most precious Huffaz (penghafal) Al-Qur'an (Narrated Turmuzi)
3. People who are proficient with the Qur'an is with the angels and holy, while the people read the Qur'an and less eloquent tongue heavy and difficult for him to fix the two rewards (Narrated by Muslim).
4. Indeed, the Qur'an is Allah dish, so learn the dish with the abilities God (Narrated by Bukhari-Muslim).
5. Please read the Qur'an because on the Day of Judgment will come in the Qur'an as a helper like readers (Narrated Turmuzi).
Al-Qur'an as Kalamullah.
The Qur'an is the literal revelation of Allah as revealed to the Prophet Muhammad in Arabic and read it is worship. As Kalamullah, Al-Qur'an in its original form is in indu Al-Kitab (lawh Mahfuz) under divine protection. Then revealed to the Prophet in the language of his people (Arabic).
God in His word to convey in persons dialkukan in three ways, namely:
1. With the revelation (directly into the heart of the Prophet)
2. Behind the veil (revelation absorbed by the sense of giving revelation the Prophet without seeing)
3. By sending an angel (Gabriel) who read a revelation.
The function of the Koran are:
1. Describe and explain (Surah 16:89; 44:4-5)
2. Absolute truth of the Qur'an (Al-Haq) (Surah 2: 91, 76)
3. Justification (confirming previous scriptures) (Surah 2: 41, 91, 97, 3: 3, 5: 48, 6: 92, 10: 37; 35: 31; 46: 1; 12: 30)
4. As Furqan (distinguishing between haq and a false, good and bad)
5. As medicine (soul) (Surah 10: 57; 17:82; 41: 44)
6. As the giver of glad tidings
7. For guidance or instructions (Qur'an 2:1, 97, 185, 3: 138; 7: 52, 203, etc.)
8. As a warning
9. As a guiding light (Qur'an 42: 52)
10. As a rule of life (Qur'an 45: 20)
11. As a lesson

Al-Quran as a Miracle
Miracles have a sense weaken, defeat, or make no power. Al-Qur'an as miraculous means he can beat atai weaken so nonexistent one power against him. Miracles can be the beauty of its language structure and the depth of its content.
• In terms of language, the Qur'an, no one can match. This proves that the Quran is not man-made, but pure revelation from Allah SWT. Against those who do not believe in the Qur'an, God challenged them gradually:
1. Challenging them to develop a kind of composition of the Qur'an as a whole
2. If you can, please arrange ten letters just a sort of Al-Quran
3. If you can, please arrange one letter
4. If it can not, God challenged man unti make something like more or less the same as the letter of the Qur'an
After all his efforts, humans can not and certainly will not be able to rival the Qur'an.
in terms of content, the structure of language, literature, and beauty, what is in the Qur'an is not just meaningless. Meanings contained in the Qur'an is so vast. Verses should always give the sense of the infinite possibilities, and always open to new interpretations. The Qur'an has been adjusted (it is definitely adjusted) for the whole day. The Qur'an contains instructions religion or shari'ah, and contain miracles, guidance, life in this world and the afterlife, as well as unseen news, as news of the man will be resurrected in the Hereafter. The Qur'an also contains a description of the scientific cues. The entire science and technology is basically derived from the Qur'an.
The virtue of reading the Qur'an, the reading is worship. For people who read the Qur'an will be rewarded has dijanjika Allah SWT. According to Ali Bin Abi Talib, reading Al-Qur'an 50 dalah virtue for each letter when read time praying, 25 virtues if outside the prayer (in a state of ablution), and 10 virtues if not ablution. Not just reading, listening to people who read the Qur'an will get a reward. In addition to reading and listening, learning and teaching to read the Qur'an as well is a virtue.
B. As-Sunnah
Sunnah means the tradition of the language, customs customs. In Islamic terminology, Sunnah means the actions, speech and imprimatur Prophet Muhammad (Af'al, aqwal, and Taqrir).
In measuring the authenticity of a Hadith (Sunnah), experts have created a science known as "musthalah hadith". To test the validity and truth of the hadith, the muhadditsin selecting with regard to the number and quality of the network is that the narrators of hadith sanaad.
Various kinds of As-Sunnah:
in terms of shape
1. Fi'li (actions of the Prophet)
2. Qauli (sayings of the Prophet)
3. Taqriri (approval or permission Prophet)
in terms of the number of people who communicate
1. Mutawir, which is narrated by many people
2. Famous, narrated by many people, but not to the (numbers) to the degree mutawir
3. Sunday, narrated by one person.
Judging from the quality
1. Saheeh, the hadith sound, correct, and valid
2. Hasan, the hadith is good, qualified authentic, but in terms of memorization unfavorable demeanor.
3. Weak hadith, the hadith is weak
4. Maudhu ', that is a false hadith.

Position of the Sunnah:
1. Sunnah is the second source of Islamic law after the Qur'an
2. People who violate the Sunnah will receive punishment (Surah Al-Mujadilah, 58: 5)
3. Making the Sunnah as a source of law is a sign of the believers (Surat an-Nisa '4: 65)
The difference in the Qur'an, the Sunnah:
• Any set of the Qur'an is the absolute value. While established Sunnah are not all absolute value. There are bersigat absolute, there is relative zhanni
• Acceptance of a Muslim to the Quran, is with confidence. Sedangakan against the Sunnah, the majority simply zhanny (strong allegations).

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