
Minggu, 10 Februari 2013

Menyembunyikan IP dengan Platinum Hide IP

Platinum Hide IP Full Version + Crack

Platinum Hide IP Full Version Crack - sobat IT pasti sudah pada tau dengan Platinum Hide IP Full Crack, yapPlatinum Hide IP Full version merupakan software penyedia keamanan online profesional yang mampu menyembunyikan IP asli(real ip) dan mengubahnya menjadi IP palsu(fake IP) ketika kita sedang berselancar di internet. Dengan menggunakan Platinum Hide IP Full terbaru 2012 merupakan salah satu upaya untuk mencegah dari serangan hacker.
Kenapa harus menyembunyikan IP asli kita? ketika kita melakukan koneksi ke internet, komputer akan diberikan alamat IP public, Ketika sobat mengunjungi situs web, alamat IP tersebut ditransmisikan dan dicatat dalam file log disimpan pada server tersebut. Akses log meninggalkan jejak aktivitas internet sobat. Hal ini sangat diperlukan untuk menyembunyikan alamat IP alsi sobat, jika sobat tidak ingin dilacak oleh orang lain maka salah satu solusinya yaitu memakai Platinum Hide IP Full Crack.
Screenshot Platinum Hide IP Full Version

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TUYUL di BUS MALAM Skbmi - Solo Part 1

Cerita ini bermula Pekan liburan kuliah saya  kemarin,,awal nya pada hari rabu malam saya mendapat SMS dari teman saya yang berkata bahwa kuliah sudah dimulai dan dia menannya kan kapan saya akan pulang ke jogja,setelah melihat SMS seperti itu entah harus bagaimana perasaaan saya pun jadi gak karuan karena saya tahu waktu perjalanan menuju ke jogja bukan lah waktu yang sedikit lalu saya pun memutuskan pulang ke Jogja esok harinya ,,meskipun agak ragu tapi kalau tidak mati lah aku  ..... Nilai ku gk bakalan keluar....dan terpakasa saya harus mengulang tahun depan OH no no no !!

akhirnya saya putuskan untuk pulang ke jogja besok nya dengan menggunakan bus Kramat jati,saya pun mulai memesan tiket bus nya  dan alhamdulilah ternyata masih kebagian tiket nya ....

besoknya pun saya meminta ijin ke Ayah dan ibu saya untuk berangkat ke jogja setelah waktu menuju kan pukul 10.12 am saya pun di antarkan oleh adik saya ke halte bis di Pelabuhan ratu,setelah sampai di pelabuhan saya pun hendak berangkat menuju ke SUKABUMI dengan mengantongi uang sebesar Rp 5.100.000,00 saya pun mulai menaiki bis dan hendak menuju halte bis  yang ada di Sukabumi .....

Dan saya pun tiba di sukabumi sambil menunggu bis datang saya pun bersantai di halte penumpang.....
dan akhirnya Bus pun datang sektar pukul 3 sore dengan bangga dan bahagia saya pun langsung naik tanpa berfikir panjang 

dan rupanya hal ini lah Awal Kisah MALAPETEKA yang akan saya alami nanti,dengan tenang saya mulai naik ke Bis  Tersebut saya lupa bahwa saya membawa uang yang cukup banyak tanpa menaruh kecurigaan dan tetap Positif Thinking aja .
saya pun duduk di tempat yang saya,, awal mula kecurigaan saya muncul kepada seorang kondektur bus KJ yang selalu melihat saya dan tas saya tanpa berkedip ,,
bukan nya saya berperasangka buruk tapi memang tingkah nya aneh sekali dia terlihat seperti yang menantikan sesuatu yang saya bawa. 

tapi saya mengabaikan Firasat saya tersebut dengan tetap berfikir positif bahwa tidak mungkin saya kehilangan uang saya yang Rp 5100.000,00 tersebut toh saya lihat tidak ada yang bisa mendekati tas saya selain saya dan saya rasa tidak ada yang tahu kalau saya membawa uang tapi hati tetap gak enak akhirnya dalam hati saya berkata "ah mungkin cuman firasat saya saja ",lalu kondektur pun meminta tiket saya hal ini menambah heran  karena yang saya tahu selama ini Tidak pernah seorang penumpang diminta tiket nya entah mungkin dia tidak percaya sama saya ,, lalu  tanpa berfikir panjang saya pun memberikan tiket tersebut kepada Kondektur bus tersebut,,tak lama kemudian kondektur itupun berbalik dan memberikan lagi tiket nya.

tak lama kemudian seorang wanita duduk di sebelah kursi ku dengan wajah senyum yang manis sekali .....
yah malah curhat hehehe 
gak apa-apa ya namanya juga kan lagi curhat...... 
setelah malam pun datang sekitar jam 06.00 sore Bus pun telah melewati daerah Cianjur dan itu artinya Tak lama lagi saya akan tiba di bandung dengan hati senang saya pun bersantai dengan merebahkan badan saya kebelakang ,, yang aneh lagi tiba tiba air mata saya terjatuh dan saya pun menangis tanpa saya tahu apa masalahnya yang membuat saya menangis,tak lama kemudian saya mendengar suara srek srek  nyaring sekali seperti kantung keresek di geser dalam hati saya berkata " apakah itu??" .
karena saya penasaran saya pun menoleh ke wanita disamping saya barangkali dia yang membuat suara aneh tersebut , tapi saya pikir hal itu tidak mungkin karena dia tertidur pulas...... lalu saya pun menoleh ke belakang  dan ternyata wanita di belakang tersebut juga tertidur pulas,, dalam hati saya memendam pertanyaan besar dan juga rasa takut ....... 

Tak lama kemudian saya mendengar Kembali suara Srek Srek trek trek beberapa kali   dan suara itu lagi yang saya dengar ......... rasa takut saya melebihi rasa penasaran saya ,,dalam hati saya berkata" siapa malam malam gini  yang usil geser geser kresek"",.... tapi kali ini saya hiraukan meskipun dalam hati saya penasaran suara siapa itu....... ????""

Bersambung ............

Pertaruhan Terakhir Blackberry

Research In Motion sepertinya ingin membuang sial. Nasib buruk selama ini seolah akrab dengan perusahaan asal Kanada ini. Nama RIM pun diubah menjadi BlackBerry Limited. Struktur sistem operasi dirombak total, sedangkan rupa perangkat kerasnya kini lebih disesuaikan dengan selera pasar.
Ya, dalam lima tahun terakhir, BlackBerry seperti kehabisan darah. Perusahaan yang didirikan Mike Lazaridis dan Jim Balsillie ini babak belur dihantam Google, dengan telepon seluler berbasis Android, dan Apple, yang mengandalkan iPhone. Pangsa pasar BlackBerry pun terjun bebas, begitu pula dengan harga sahamnya.
Masa depan BlackBerry suram. Padahal BlackBerry pernah merajai pasar ponsel cerdas. Karena itu, ketika RIM mengumumkan akan meluncurkan sistem operasi terbaru bernama BlackBerry 10 pada 1 Mei 2012, banyak kalangan yang melihatnya sebagai hal positif. Namun RIM rupanya tak siap. Acara peluncuran sempat ditunda beberapa kali.
Akhirnya, pada 30 Januari lalu, RIM resmi meluncurkan sistem operasi terbaru mereka, BlackBerry 10. Acara peluncuran dilakukan secara serentak di enam kota: New York, Toronto, London, Paris, Dubai, dan Johannesburg. Sayang, Jakarta tak dilirik. Padahal Indonesia adalah salah satu pasar BlackBerry terbesar saat ini.
BlackBerry Limited juga memperkenalkan dua ponsel terbaru, yakni BlackBerry Z10 dan Q10. BlackBerry Z10 adalah ponsel cerdas berlayar sentuh penuh, sedangkan Q10 masih mengadopsi papan tombol fisik QWERTY, yang selama ini menjadi ciri khas ponsel BlackBerry.
Banyak orang menilai BlackBerry 10 adalah pertaruhan terakhir BlackBerry untuk bangkit. »Inilah kartu terakhir BlackBerry,” ujar Vincent Putera, Creative Director PT Inspira Solusi Indonesia, pengembang aplikasi BlackBerry. Ia melihat kesuksesan BlackBerry akan sangat bergantung pada dua ponsel tersebut.
Sepekan setelah peluncuran, angin baik rupanya berpihak pada BlackBerry. Di Inggris, negara pertama penerima BlackBerry Z10, angka permintaan ponsel ini cukup tinggi. Beberapa toko dikabarkan kehabisan stok. Kondisi serupa terjadi di Kanada. Menurut slashgear.com, angka penjualan BlackBerry 10 di sana mencatat rekor tertinggi, bahkan mengalahkan beberapa model sebelumnya.
Lantas, apa yang membuat BlakcBerry 10 mendapat sambutan hangat? Menurut Chief Executive Officer BlackBerry, Thorsten Heins, selain platform BlackBerry 10 dan ponsel yang tersedia jauh lebih tangguh, jumlah aplikasi yang tersedia cukup banyak. Jumlahnya lumayan fantastis, yaitu lebih dari 70 ribu aplikasi. Angka itu diklaim terbesar untuk peluncuran sebuah sistem operasi baru. 

Inilah Pioner Smartphone Tembus Pandang

CALIFORNIA - Teknologi smartphone terus berkembang. Terkini, Polytron memamerkan sebuah smartphone tembus pandang pertama di dunia. 

Produsen perangkat elektronik asal Taiwan itu memamerkan purwarupa (prototipe) perangkatnya yang sebagian besar berbahan dasar kaca, dengan papan sirkuit, kartu memori dan kamera. Demikian dilansir dari Digital Spy, Minggu (10/2/2013). 

Dilaporkan perangkat ini mengusungng teknologi layar sentuh, SIM, kartu SD, baterai, mikrofon dan kamera. Sayangnya belum diketahui sistem operasi apa yang berjalan pada prototipe ini.

Polytron sendiri memang tengah gencar mengembangkan teknologi 'Polyvision Privacy Glass', zat buram tembus pandang. Selain itu, perusahaan juga tengah mengembangkan teknik menyematkan kabel mikroskopis ke dalam kaca yang membuatnya nyaris tak terlihat dengan mata telanjang.

Rencananya, Polytron akan merilis hardware tembus pandang ini pada akhir 2013. 


Many religious scholars in the west who later developed the methodology of religious studies generalize to all religions, and Islam as the object of study put the position and condition as if the same view of other religions. Books of this kind of religious study methodology now flourishing and huddled in the Islamic universities in Indonesia. In fact, many theories dam study methodology Islam was born out of a background of a typical Christian history and Western civilization, which is not just to apply for the study of Islam, which is a revealed religion, history of religions.
If reviewed some significant differences sonsep theology, the history of civilizations between Islam and Christianity, as well as differences between the Koran and the Bible, then in fact, the adoption of the term "inclusive understanding of Islam" (including an understanding of Islam) lach not right, even misleanding. The term refers to the Christian tradition is not appropriate if the terapka to Islam. The term was later in kemabangkan by beberaoa history of Islam in Indonesia to be "inclusive Islam" or "inclusive theology" is actually very typical of Christianity and the traditions of western thought traumatic against religion, and inappropriately applied to Islam.
The essence of the research methodology is not located on the "what" that we know, but on "how" to know something in the tree of knowledge, methodology part of epistemology. With katalaion all religions should be studied how the best is not just what is, and to be realistic without da lies and errors in it all.
The development of the study of religion in Indonesia religious studies in Indonesia is aimed at toughening penbinaan spiritual, academic ability, and the formation of Traffic work. In all three of these goals, character-building aspects of the faith includes at least five of the following First Instance, awareness of the greatness of the love and power of God to man and the universe, Second commitment to live in obedience to His will, and manifested through moral-ethical behavior in all aspects of life, three members of the same service to God's creatures, Fourth developing social sensitivity, a religion in Indonesia in the direction ilmiuah and academic quality at international level, the relationship is the need for communication networks and academic cooperation between universities religions in Indonesia , five important aspects that need to be initiated and followed up the study of the development of religions is an academic scientific institutionalization in world universities in Indonesia, as well as private land.


By:. Bintang Antares.

Modern age in the West, which began in the seventeenth century, an early victory supremacy of rationalism, empiricism and positivism of religious dogmatism. This fact can be understood, because the modern West was built on the basis of the separation between science and philosophy from the influence of religion (secularism). The combination of rationalism and empiricism epistemology in a package which gave birth to what Huxley called the scientific method (scientific method).
The findings of empirical scientific method and rational character miraculously brought the progress of science and technology pengetahunan incredible. Industry and various scientific discoveries brought easiness of life, opening new horizons of life, and gave birth to a new life pattern called modernism. Modernism is characterized by rationalism, progress, and secularism.
Thus, the modern West is the age when man finds himself as a force that can resolve the problems of life. Human beings are seen as great, which is independent of God and nature. Western modern humans deliberately break away from its attachment to God (theomosphisme), to further build the human order that is solely focused on humans (anthropomorphism). Man becomes master of his own fate, resulting in dissolution of spiritual values. As a result, modern Western man in the end was unable to answer the problems of life itself.
Modernism eventually felt carry emptiness and ketidakbermaknaan life. Arise various criticisms and new quest. Humans need a new mindset that is expected to bring awareness and new life patterns. In terms of human consciousness, in practice, symptoms of the search for meaning of life and self-discovery efforts on beliefs laden with spirituality. "Organized Religion" (organized religion) is not always able to meet expectations. Therefore, an emerging trend to return to originality (fundamentalist), charisma can determine (cults) and phenomena that extraordinary (magic).
The diversity of modern man tends to be a personal quest. Of course, this does not always bring positive results. A number of splinter religious groups (cults or sects) exhibit negative symptoms, even it is not possible in this kind of thing happens manipulation of the state with the intention of taking advantage of thirsty men who lost their grip and life orientation.
In relation to the above, how Islam sees the spiritual crisis of modern man? Can Islam be used as an alternative to human pursuits future? This is the underlying importance of discussion in this paper.
 Crisis Spirituality Modern Man
1. Loss of Vision Divine
Modern civilization that developed in the West since the days of the renaissance is an experiment that has failed so badly, so that mankind into doubt will question whether they can find other ways in the future. It is, as said by Hossein Nasr, because modern man who rebelled against God, has created a science-based intelligent light - so different from what we see in the traditional Islamic sciences in the classical heyday - but based on the strength reason (ratio) a mere mortal to obtain data through the senses, so that modern civilization is only enforced on the basis of the human concept that does not include the most essential aspect of the man himself.
As a result of the above phenomenon, Western society, which is often classified as the post-industrial society, a society that has reached a level of material prosperity with the technology in such a way that completely mechanical and automatic, rather than getting closer to happiness in life, but on the contrary, more and feel a sense of anxiety even due to the luxuries of life he achieved. They have been a devotee of science and technology, thus unwittingly reduced human integrity and rationality of the system is trapped in the network technology that is not human. Against such a phenomenon, Hossein Nasr uses two basic terms, the axis and the rim or center and periphery, to distinguish two categories of human life orientation.
"Life in this world seems to still not have a spiritual horizon. It is not spiritual horizon was not there, but because of who witnessed the panorama of contemporary life is often the people who live on the edge (periphery or rim) circle of existence, so he can only watch everything from the point of view alone. He always does not care about the existence of a circle radius and completely forget the axis or center (axis or center) circle of existence that can be achieved with the fingers.
Nasr said repeatedly, albeit with a different expression, that modern societies are on the margins of existence itself, moving away from the center, both concerning himself and the environment kosmisnya. They are content with the science and technology, as a result of the 16th century renaissance movement, while thinking and religious understanding which is based on the teachings of revelation increasingly abandoned. With a more popular expression, Western society has entered the post-Christian era and the developing understanding of secularism. Secularization, borrow explains Peter L. Berger, can be divided into two forms: the social meaning of the separation of religious and political institutions. Which is more important in the context of religion is "the application of the processes of the human mind in the form of secularization of consciousness". By Harvey Cox clarified the meaning of secularization, namely: 'liberation of man from the control or commitment to religious values ​​". Furthermore, he said, secularization occurs when humans turn away from the "there" and just focus on "the world here and now".
The process of secularization of consciousness, leading to modern humans lose self control so easily overcome by a variety of mental illnesses, and he becomes oblivious to who he is and for what life is and where afterward. Nasr wrote:
"The problem of environmental destruction by technological, ecological crisis, and the like, all sourced from illness or forgetfulness amnesis diidap by modern humans. Modern man has forgotten who he really is. Due to modern humans living on the edge of the circle of existence, and he was only able to obtain knowledge about world that is qualitatively and quantitatively superficial change. From knowledge merely external, then he attempted to reconstruct the image of himself. way, modern humans farther from the center of existence, and getting mired in bondage edge of existence.
According to Nasr, that the development of modern western society that has lost its vision of divinity, have blunted intellectusnya vision in seeing the reality of life and living. The term has a connotation capacity intellectus "eyes of the heart", the only element of the essence of man who could look the shadow of God implied by the universe.
Due intellectus on the dysfunctional, then surely anything that modern humans achieved on the edge (rim or periphery) is nothing more than the knowledge that "fragmented" (fragmented knowledge), no longer intact, and not knowledge that will bring wisdom to see the nature of the universe as a single unity, the unity and omnipotence of God mirrors. One can see reality more fully when it was at its height and the center point. Nasr pointed out, "Just higher (level of existence, pen.) To understand the lower".
Man to be able to achieve that level of existence, would have to hold a spiritual ascent and train sharpness intellectus. Nasr emphasized that the fragmentary knowledge can not be used to see the reality of the intact except her own vision of the whole intellectus earlier. Then it was said that in any case the whole knowledge of nature can not be achieved but through the knowledge of the center (center), or axis, since this knowledge but it also contains the existing knowledge on the side as well as the connecting trellis-trellis. It also says, man can know himself perfectly, but only if he got help divine knowledge, due to the presence of relatively simply be meaningless if diikatkannya what the Absolute, God.
The cause of the "fall" (fallen) modern western man, when traced back, will be found in the school of philosophy Cartesian dualism, which is a place in the West. Since tersistematisasikan rationalism is growing, people are only seen from the point of fisiolois-outward. Cartesian Dualism reality of divided into two: the material reality and the reality of mental, or physical reality, and reality of reason (ratio), while the spiritual dimension thrown. In fact, he said, the conception metafisikan was originally a "sacred science" (scientia sacra) or "knowledge of divinity" (Divine knowledge), not the "philosophy of the profane" (profane philosophy) as it developed in the West today.
In a more precise expression, Western metaphysics should now cored "love of wisdom" (the love of wisdom) switch to the "hatred" policy (the hate of wisdom). The concept of the West in the form of philosophia metafisikan to empirical data, so it is only able to produce a false conception of the spiritual (pseudo-spiritual).
In Descartes' rationalism know, it is said that the truth of something that is believed to be in accordance with the criteria defined by the ratio. Dalil Cogito ergo sum (I think therefore I am), by Nasr also considered as a method of riding glasses too glorifies reason and tend to deny the existence of human beings as a whole over the totality of existence.
The knowledge that is produced only by the psychic consciousness (not spiritual), and the ratio is only fragmented and temporary. Knowledge that will bring happiness and peace will only be achieved if someone had opened her eyes, or vision intellectusnya, and always held a spiritual ascent toward spiritual wisdom through the central point of religion. Humans are so, even though he lived within the limits of space and time as well as work with the fragmentalis science disciplines, but he will be able to understand the secrets of the nature of nature so that they can manage it. While aware that the eyes of his heart that they manage are fellow creatures of God that hinted of his creator, Yang Rahman and Rahim.
Such criticisms appear aimed at contemporary Western thought. Modern humans, have created a situation in such a way that runs without any control, so therefore they are mired in a wedged position, which in turn led to the destruction of not only the environment, but also human destruction.
2. Spiritual Void
As a result of overly glamorize ratio, easy modern man spiritual emptiness disease infestation. The rapid progress in the field of science and philosophy of the 18th century rationalism felt unable to meet basic human needs in the aspect of transcendent values, a vital necessity that can only be extracted from the source of divine revelation.
That signaled or, say, the verdict on the picture of the modern man who has fallen (fallen). In this perspective, Berger said: "The values ​​of the supernatural has been lost in the modern world. Disappearance niali-value can be expressed in a formula rather dramatic sentence as 'God is dead' or 'The End of the Age of Christ'."
With the loss limits are considered and believed to be sacred and absolute, modern humans and, coiled in a relatively-paced world, especially the system of values ​​and morality are built. Marcel A. Boisard said, "The West has lost its sense of the supernatural (supernatural) on a large scale".
The condition of modern man today, because it ignores the most basic needs, a spiritual one, then they can not find inner peace, which means lack of balance within. This situation will be more acute, especially when the emphasis on increasing material needs so that the balance will be broken ..
Realizing that modernization was not able to meet the spiritual needs of human beings, it is no wonder that people are now abuzz for a return to the religion that is working, among others, to give meaning to life. In this context, Naisbitt in Megatrends 2000, said: "The phenomenon of religious revival is a trend that was inevitable in a society that is undergoing a process of modernization, as a counter to an increasingly secular life".
In the Western world, the tendency to return to the spiritual world is marked by the spread of religious fundamentalism and spirituality. The emergence of this phenomenon is quite interesting to study because the pattern is very different from mainstream religions (formal religion), even if not to say contradictory. So as said by Naisbitt and Aburdene are solely the issue of "spirituality" instead of "organized religion". Keberagamaannya complexion tends to be a personal search, regardless of religion there, such as Christianity, Buddhism, and others.
As a result of these trends, emerging cults and sects are very extreme fundamentalist spiritual. For example, such cases Davidian David Koresh with his Clan, which burned down after U.S. troops surrounded, or Reverend Jim Jones who invited jama'ahnya mass suicide in the forest, or in the case of cult Japanese kills Ashahara mass railway bridge underground railway.
All it basically, due to confusion in determining their life. They were upset and lose control in the face of an increasingly difficult life. Souls and their inner-inner busy looking, but they do not know what they are looking for. In view Hossein Nasr, the spiritual in the Western sense tends to be understood merely as a psychological phenomenon. This development can not be separated from the human consequences that arise in the process of modernization, which then pushed him seek refuge that provides protection and rapid satisfaction. This is achieved by entering the fundamentalism and spirituality.
Development of spirituality in the form of fundamentalism, in many cases, often leading to psychological problems. Spritualisme the fundamentalist frame-only offers jani absurd or false promise of safety and peace of mind that is temporary (palliative). Moreover, religious fundamentalism spawned attitudes exclusive, extreme, and doctrinal, and intolerance with understanding others.
In such a situation, can Islam as an alternative to modern man's spiritual quest? How to make Islam more attractive packaging and the demand by people who are thirsty western spirituality?
Islam: The Future of Alternative Spirituality
Islamic spirituality or Sufism teachings seem to have a strong significance for modern Western society, as they begin to feel the dryness of mind and compliance efforts are now increasingly urgent. They were looking to both the Christian and Buddhist teachings or just an adventure back to nature as 'uzlah' out of boredom because the scientific-technological twist. In situations such confusion, Islam is still not seen as an alternative search, since (1) Islam is seen from the side-formalistic and legalistic obligation for adherents many forms and does not have spiritual wealth, (2) Islam in the West bercitra orientalis in the negative by mistake view Islam through literature and the mass media. As a result, Islam underestimated by the West: (3) For the West, it is still very alien when Muhammad placed as spiritual leaders, and Islam has a very real spiritual riches they desire. Citra idol a spiritual tokok they think only about the Buddha Gautama, who left the royal luxuries of life, sin or Christ the Children of Adam, or the Gandhi whose life is so simple even a huge personality. While Muhammad? He is better known as the warlords are too busy with penakhlukkan territory and establish temporal power.
Now is the time to introduce an inner dimension of Islam as an alternative to western man. Islam needs to be socialized with them, at least there are three main objectives. First, participating share a role in saving humanity from the condition of confusion as a result of the loss of spiritual values ​​of. Second, introducing literature or understanding of esoteric aspect of Islam, the modern Western society. Third, to provide a reaffirmation that indeed the esoteric aspects of Islam, Sufism, is the heart of the teachings of Islam, so that when the area is dry and no longer throbbing, then keringlah other aspects of Islamic teachings.
But, how Islam can be practiced in modern Western society? There are at least three levels of Islam that could affect the West. First, there is the possibility of practicing the spiritual teachings of Islam are active. At this stage one should limit the pleasures of the material world and then directed her to meditate, pray, purify the mind, examine the conscience, and perform other religious practices such wird, for example.
Secondly, Sufism may well influence the West by presenting Islam in a more attractive, so people can find practices true Sufism. West so keen on Islam, then Muslims should be able to present and preach Islam to the West with a more attractive, which is a balance between worldly activities with the hereafter. This method has been successfully practiced in Islamic broadcasting in India, Indonesia and West Africa. Of course, the methods and activities in the West is different from the above countries, but essentially the same. That is, Islam opens great opportunities for the Western spiritual quest was hit by the crisis of meaning of life.
Third, by introducing Sufism as aids to recollection (remind) and reawakening (wake) Westerners from sleep. Since Sufism is a living tradition and rich with metaphysical doctrines, cosmological, and psychological and psycho-religious therapy, the mean mysticism or Sufism will be able to revive the Western spiritual aspects of life that had been thrown out and forgotten.
According to Alister Hardi, the human need for religion is a matter of its nature. However the development of man, he will always need the teachings of which are transcendental. Because of the need to know God is the nature of human nature needs. Seeing this trend, with offers above, we expect Islam to be able to play its role to the search-religious seekers in the West.
A. Cover
From the above, it is known the significance of Islam for the modern man the West. Humans need a handle modern Western moral and meaning in life. Islam, the teachings of spiritual wealth, offering an alternative to the modern human soul-searching. In terms of modern human consciousness, and the package offers more exciting Islam, Islam in the future will be much in demand by Western man. At present, Islam began to rise in countries such as the United States, the former Soviet Union, and other countries.


Definition Work Ethos
In the context of the dictionary word "ethos" is derived from the Greek (ethos) which means character or characters. And the terminology of "ethos" is the characteristics and attitudes, habits and beliefs that are special about an individual or group of people. Besides that "ethos" can also mean the typical life of a group of people. So typical of the soul's evolving views on the good and the bad or we call ethics. So it is not enough Muslims to worship Allah and the Messenger, but also in demand to perform such deeds as determined work of Allah. Related to this, the Prophet said: "it's called faith is when you believe in my heart, put it with the tongue, and implement action" (Al Hadith).
So faith in God is not only convinced in my heart and say the words, but also carry out the act or pekerjaan.islam view that work is part of the obligation in kehidupanya.dengan working man can take advantage of the benefits of life and do not forbid jewelry masyarakat.Allah and fortune baik.Justru with jewelry and a lot and good fortune, the man can worship in peace and be of good brbuat charitable alms, zakat and shadaqoh for Muslims who do not hate pengngguran mampu.Islam, laziness, and stupidity, because it is a disease that can eventually turn off their physical and human thinking.

Rasullulah said:
"Do not ever one of you sitting around with finding the grace of God, praying." Oh Allah, bestow the gift to me, "but he knew that the sky never rained gold and silver" (Bukhari Muslim).
Islam does not want his people to be begging for others. Muslims should be able to be independent, with sufficient effort, as the word of the Apostle: "If someone is looking for firewood and dipikulkan on his back, it's better than if he had to beg someone who is sometimes given, sometimes also rejected" ( HR Imam Bukhari and Imam Muslim).
Thus, if we work hard and agile and have the knowledge, skills and attitude with good intentions and benefits of the work devoted to the good stuff as to support children, parents and his own purposes, and do good to others with sincerity, then such a person categorized as fisabilillah and God gave rewarded with paradise in the hereafter.
• Seven Muslim work ethic
For Muslims, Muhammad is the role model Rasullah primary, and in a matter of working, the Prophet not only members guidance and advice, but also practice it and prove it by working. Here is a role model and view or work ethic made the Prophet SAW that we should emulate.

1. Work to completion

Thorough understanding of working with is that the work can be completed with very satisfactory results, the process also works well, inputs or raw materials used in the work, too inefficient, and all can be done if all the work is planned properly.
The Prophet SAW said:
"Verily Allah loves someone among you who, when working, he straightened his job."
How to implement this thorough work ethic for Muslims and students in particular? First, we can become the expert professional dbidangnya. Secondly, we are committed to the job. The work in which we live, we must promise to finish well and a great time, and we never breathing leave work or change jobs while the old job unfinished. Third, we make plans and job evaluation. To be able to finish the job neatly, we try to come earlier than the appointed hour for work and come home a little late to do the evaluation work we perform.

2. Work with sincerity

Measure of the success of the work, not just wealth and position, but also consider how to work and use the work in the form of wealth or position in a way that is good and right, not to harm other people, do not justify the means, and follow the rules and seek blessing of Allah SWT. Related to sincere work ethic, the Prophet said:
"Effort and the good work is the effort and work with sincerity and clean"
sincere is the attitude to accept with sincere hearts. Work is an obligation from God to us, and we accept the obligation to work with sincerity. Therefore, we must begin to practice always works well, hard work is worship lading to us, we work sweat while working may be a means penggugur sin. So the advantage of the work that earned a fortune and can provide for the family, and is a way for us fisabilillah working with sincere intentions.
By working sincerely, let us show our optimal capacity. Lucky God when we work together. Our duty to pick up windfall in the right way, honest and true. Do not wait for fortune to come, but let's pick ourselves fortune armed with a healthy and skilled physically, brain and mind have sufficient knowledge and heart that sincerely accept liability.
The work that we enjoy can usually push the ethos of sincerity, but it is difficult for the work that we do not like.

3. Work with honesty

Islam attaches great importance to honesty in the work because the work is a mandate for everyone, and everyone should be accountable. Related to honest work ethic, the Prophet said:
"You all are shepherds, and you are all responsible for the shepherd. A priest is a shepherd and he is responsible for what leads a man to what the leader leads. A male leader of the family and he is responsible for what they lead. A maid is a treasure guard his master, and he is responsible for duties. A boy and his father are the keepers of the treasure he is responsible for the task. Therefore, all are leaders and all of you are responsible for what you are commanded "

All the work we do must be accounted for. Because each job must be accounted for then basically we have to work as well and as honestly as possible.
The Prophet Muhammad also forbade corruption and corrupt use of money to eat and drink their families, as well as charitable and other acts, sebagamana his saying:
"Who are the people who acquire wealth by not kosher and manafkahkannya, so he and his property was not obtained blessings, and give alms if he will not be accepted and the rest is a provision to hell. Truly despicable people who can not remove the heinous sin, but good people can remove the heinous sin and in other words. "

4. Work using technology

Working mengguanakan technology can be interpreted in some work using the object / tool that was developed to meet all kinds of human needs.
How does Islam view the technology factor in the work for a living? The Prophet said:
"The Prophet took the two dirhams and gave to a man Ansar, and said:" A dirham buy food and provide for your family, and one dirham to buy an ax, and then bring it here. "People are then returned to the Prophet Muhammad with the ax , and the Prophet SAW said: "go and collect firewood, timber and then sell it and you reveal yourself jagan before me for fifteen days."

5. Working with groups

Working with groups is an activity in order to achieve a common goal with people lain.terkait with kerj same group, the Prophet Muhammad set the example as narrated by Salman Al-Pharisees: "Narrated by Salman Al-Pharisees:" the Prophet SAW went with me to the place that has been kugali I showed the soil and seed to the Prophet Muhammad and the Prophet SAW has a menanamkanya with his hand alone so done. "
Work group or team work in the modern era is classified into two parts, namely voluntary cooperation and voluntary terpaksa.kerjasama include partnerships between people who have similar goals while forced cooperation is there between people of the same activities, but generally do not have the same goals . in fact forced cooperation is less beerhasil.kerjasama who volunteer generally relatively successful because they have the spirit together, and create a love for the job.
The way we develop the work ethic groups by:
1. we have to work with the field that we like and we are good at.
2. we have to make the division of labor each person in the group, we try all the work is divided up and tailored to each individual's ability.
3. we do an evaluation of the work of each, improving unfavorable, and solve problems with solutions and not blame or who is wrong.

6. Worked hard all my heart
Work ethic of hard work can be interpreted as enthusiastically work or full motivasi.manusia is a creation of God is perfect, man is given a perfect body complete with kemampun berpikir.oleh senses and therefore Muslims already selayknya push yourself to do the best in life, useful and meaningful world diakhiirat later.
Associated with working hard, following the word of God and the example of the apostle:
"When you have completed the task mengerjakansesuatu affairs or sunguh sunguh do it with the other matters."
"When ye Quraish and its allies from kabillah Arabs and Jews gather to invade medina, then the Prophet Muhammad told his followers to dig themselves participate parit.beliau knap using crowbars and dug until visible white belly, and he also covered. '
The way we start to work hard, with:
1. We have to create hope, that desire that we want to achieve, thus encouraging us to keep trying and not give up.
2. By getting to know God through the teachings ajaranya we Mersa that God's help is very besar.sesulit whatever we face, we will not despair, because God can do anything, and God does not try beyond its ability servants.
3. Trust, as we have the desire, then work hard to achieve it then we pray and strengthen worship. With worship more diligent, and hard bekerj will invite the help of God closer.
4. Thinking positif.terhadap what work, we should not despair or think negative to God. We touched prejudiced either Allah whatever happens is the best for us.

7. Working in Forms Services
The Prophet SAW associated with working as a service delivered his saying:
"The Prophet SAW said: no that is not a prophet goats". Anyone bertnya: "you too, O Messenger of? '. He replied," yeah, me too ".
The above hadith shows that the Prophet was a shepherd "leader" and a leader serving the "shepherd" or rakyatnya.Kita can imagine working relationship between the shepherd and the sheep gembala.pengembala daily drive to the pasture, and then to the existing water and then mengandangkanya.
How we started working with the minister is to:
1. We view our work and our noble work with the intention iklas in order we worship Allah SWT.
2. We know keiginan of what we serve.
3. We need to know whether consumers are satisfied or not to service consumers kita.apabila not satisfied, then the obligation to repair the way we work, so that consumers be satisfied.

Working Principles ethos
• Responsibility Principle
The issue of work ethic is one of the vocal studies and conversations discussed in any society, including the most extensive in Indonesia.dampak is our nation bias may be lagging behind the neighboring nations in the east asia south east asia or it is not without reason that there is news rhythmic negative pessimistic, fatalistic, and bad image to the Indonesian people that will never be a developed country or a successful "take-off" that will never be able to "fly" leave landasanya.
Therefore, I think there are some things that we as a nation fixed by the besar.pertama, determine that the work is a means of worship, secondly, work is progress and cultural change, both personal and group, and the third, the work symbolizes a devotion to the nation and State.
• Commitment to work as the Basis
Commitment can we konotasikan with niat.niat can be seen can be seen in the hadith the prophet Muhammad that the value of each form of labor depends on the intention of the intention pelakunya.Tinggi low value was obtained by a man working in accordance with the level of commitment to the value of commitments dimilikinya.dan or intent is a form of personal choices and decisions associated with the system value (value system) are adopted.
Described in the Qur'an as follows:
"O all those who believe, cancel not your charity by calumny-dekahmu (mention favor calling it) and outrageous attitude, as a selfless person who donated to the man and that he did not believe in Allah and the day that person Akhirat.Perumpamaan is like a big rock hard, that there was a little dust on it, and then overwritten heavy rain and rock-apa.Orang ditinggalkanya without any such people will not do anything with what they have lakukan.Dan God would not give instructions on the apostates ".

• Principle of Giving and Getting
For Anthony Robbyn, "Rahsia life is giving." Loaded word phrase in his book Unlimited Power., For example, if you expect to appear beautiful flower to flower you should plant your first notice the flower just before she plants flowers berbunga.bisa said, "I'm sorry, I can not give you the beautiful flowers never gave me fertilizer, water, light, and protection!.
This example illustrates to us that this is also true in the hu
kum the laws and laws of physics. Who's definitely got serious, that laze who certainly did not get anything.

Grounding morality islam

                Morals seem to be more on the meaning commonly known is a person's behavior or actions, habits and matters relating thereto. Just as there are also the so-called moral ethics, morals, manners are all related to attitude, behavior. In real life we ​​know moral good and evil, but there are several synonyms such as moral values, etc.. But the desired character of religion is good / noble course such hadith stating that the prophet Muhammad SAW come true is to perfect human character, because at that time the human character is very bad because it was in the days of ignorance.

In everyday life greatly influence the character of one's views on others, morality tends to be the benchmark on one's perspective, a person is good or bad can be seen from the depraved. In a hadith stating that the most by Allah are those who have fear of Allah, piety in this case is the fear of Allah, man if you feel afraid to Allah must stay away from the things forbidden by Allah and will automatically be moral as ordered by Allah the noble / good moral role in the religious life must be very clear, human morality without religion just like the days before the Rosululloh the time of ignorance, religion is the main source of morality-moral good and noble because of religion, especially the religion of Islam only teaches his flock about behaving good and laudable and noble. But the most influential in the formation of human character is the environment, both the family and the other like friends and relationships.
            In Indonesia, especially in Java is very good morals be upheld because the customs area of ​​Java, but now many people are not good moral Java, mostly due to bad association away from character-Islamic morals because it is influenced by modern culture, for example, many people who had no respect for older people, are rude and uncivilized. Human morals many have been destroyed because many are not familiar with the religion and the commandments, therefore parents should be able to play an important role in introducing their children about religion more deeply since childhood that if an adult is not affected by modern cultures not good and can damage human morals.
            Current facilities are actually not bad but it all depends on the use, but most people consider the main cause of the destruction of human morality is a modern facility-but if unrivaled unrivaled is utilized to the good stuff can foster moral commendable, if observed from the above description all back again to the man himself, how people who use it and it all depends on faith and moral principles, so it is imperative to grow and strengthen the human character early on so that if adults can take advantage of fassilitas-modern facility for good and praiseworthy in order to create a good and noble character, while if that adult humans tend to be difficult on set and own way if do not have faith.
            We as Muslims can strive together to restore Islamic moral self-start others to continue to Muslims to get rid of bad morals to good morals.

I can conclude that the moral grounding of Islam here is about how we as human beings / people who occupy this earth GOD Almighty in order to reduce / earthing / mensyiar'kan about some of the properties that GOD Almighty is in us humans, it is more specific we found on the Muslims.

The properties are referred to the common properties that are essentially owned by the individual, the nature of "mutual" love each other, love each other, sharing, care and much more.

Properties are also not covered only for fellow Muslims or fellow beings only, these properties is useful to apply also to any individual either Muslims or non-Muslims, whether living beings or inanimate objects, his example is your favorite objects or inanimate objects that surround us. Mr. Junaidi yesterday pointed out about the flower pot. As a good Muslim and moral we should not act unilaterally against the pots of flowers, such as taking out the trash and pollute the flower pot. In his general we act like it's probably because some of us "think this inanimate object anyway," but if we examine more about "grounding morality of Islam" and if we are a people who have a certain character and nature of the "mutual" of course, we will discourage them.

Of review and explanation of Mr. Junaidi is my take on the essence and the conclusion that basically we the human race have "bagian-bagian/sebahagian" of the properties that GOD Almighty khaliq that its actually very inappropriate for our keep its purity. than in the case is very good if we are able to preach / her mensyiarkan. Da'wah it can be started through the scope of a simple first, such as through the people closest to us, brother, sister, relatives, friends or companions.

For properties that I mean here, can I take one example: the eyes, as we all know in 99 Asmaul Husna (the properties of GOD Almighty) is one of his GOD is the "All-Seeing [Asmaul Husna Al-Bashir (البصير) ] ", and we as a people given some of His creation and the nature of the tools for it by GOD Almighty as" eyes "that we used to see. And my question is, is it worth giving the eye when this khaliq indirectly are some of the properties of GOD Almighty that we use for that purpose is not good / negativ? Is such a person can be called moral? Here, the purpose and essence of its broad on "morals" of his association with "Islamic moral grounding".

For other examples I can think of friends meng'analogikan own. For me personally, Islam is a religion that makes sense because its truth can digest logically. and from the simple example above I think it can pull from the conclusions and thread properties GOD Almighty (Asmaul Husna) that its connection to human / people as "Islamic moral grounding".

I guess that's all I can describe in this chapter about how "Islamic moral grounding" GOD Almighty's earth. Certainly not without reason why GOD Almighty chose Calif man on planet Earth.


Alqur'an and Sunnah

Asalamuallaikum wr wb
Alhamdulilah hirobil alamin wabihinastain waala umuridunya Wadin wasolatuwasalamu asrofil ahya i war Mursalin waala alihi wasoh bihi ajmain.
Rusululah saw wasalam said in hadistnya
Hadeeth of the Prophet SAW, namely:
"I leave with you two things, and ye would not go astray during cling to both the Book of Allah (Al-Qur'an and Sunnah of His Messenger).
A. Al-Quran
The Qur'an is the primary source of Islamic teachings. The Qur'an is the revelation of Allah as revealed to His Messenger, Prophet Muhammad SAW. Al-Qur'an preserved and maintained by God, according to his word as follows:
"Surely We sent down the Qur'an and indeed Al = We really care for it." (Qur'an 15:9)
"So if they do not pay attention to the Qur'an. Had it Koran from other than Allah, they would get a lot of contradictions in it. "(Sura 4:82)
The Qur'an presents the highest level in terms of human life. Very marvels not only for believers, but for unbelievers. The Qur'an was first revealed on the 17th of Ramadan (Nuzulul Qur'an). Revelation is the first one down times are Alaq Letters, verses 1-5. The Qur'an has several other names, among others, is the Qur'an (Surah al-Isra: 9), Al-Kitab (Surat al-Baqoroh: 1-2), Al-Furqan (Qur'an -Furqan: 1), At-Tanzil (QS> As-Syu'ara: 192), adh-Dhikr (Surat al-Hijr: 1-9).
The content of the Qur'an, such as:
1. Principles of faith (Tawheed) in Allah, belief in angels, the apostles, the books, the final day, qodli-qodor, and so on.
2. Shari'ah principles as the foundation of human life so that no one path and remain in the right corridor how amenjalin relationship to God (hablun minallah, worship) and (hablun minannas, mu'amalah).
3. Promise or news to who do good (Bashir) and the threat of punishment for those who commit sin (nadzir).
4. Story-purse history, such as the stories of the prophets, the people of the past, both the righteous and the rebellious act of God.
5. Fundamentals and cues science: astronomy, physics, chemistry, law, geography, economics, agriculture, health, technology, literature, culture, sociology, psychology, and so on.
Asserted the primacy of the Qur'an in Word Rasullullah, among others:
1. The best man among you is he who learn the Qur'an and teach it
2. My people are the most precious Huffaz (penghafal) Al-Qur'an (Narrated Turmuzi)
3. People who are proficient with the Qur'an is with the angels and holy, while the people read the Qur'an and less eloquent tongue heavy and difficult for him to fix the two rewards (Narrated by Muslim).
4. Indeed, the Qur'an is Allah dish, so learn the dish with the abilities God (Narrated by Bukhari-Muslim).
5. Please read the Qur'an because on the Day of Judgment will come in the Qur'an as a helper like readers (Narrated Turmuzi).
Al-Qur'an as Kalamullah.
The Qur'an is the literal revelation of Allah as revealed to the Prophet Muhammad in Arabic and read it is worship. As Kalamullah, Al-Qur'an in its original form is in indu Al-Kitab (lawh Mahfuz) under divine protection. Then revealed to the Prophet in the language of his people (Arabic).
God in His word to convey in persons dialkukan in three ways, namely:
1. With the revelation (directly into the heart of the Prophet)
2. Behind the veil (revelation absorbed by the sense of giving revelation the Prophet without seeing)
3. By sending an angel (Gabriel) who read a revelation.
The function of the Koran are:
1. Describe and explain (Surah 16:89; 44:4-5)
2. Absolute truth of the Qur'an (Al-Haq) (Surah 2: 91, 76)
3. Justification (confirming previous scriptures) (Surah 2: 41, 91, 97, 3: 3, 5: 48, 6: 92, 10: 37; 35: 31; 46: 1; 12: 30)
4. As Furqan (distinguishing between haq and a false, good and bad)
5. As medicine (soul) (Surah 10: 57; 17:82; 41: 44)
6. As the giver of glad tidings
7. For guidance or instructions (Qur'an 2:1, 97, 185, 3: 138; 7: 52, 203, etc.)
8. As a warning
9. As a guiding light (Qur'an 42: 52)
10. As a rule of life (Qur'an 45: 20)
11. As a lesson

Al-Quran as a Miracle
Miracles have a sense weaken, defeat, or make no power. Al-Qur'an as miraculous means he can beat atai weaken so nonexistent one power against him. Miracles can be the beauty of its language structure and the depth of its content.
• In terms of language, the Qur'an, no one can match. This proves that the Quran is not man-made, but pure revelation from Allah SWT. Against those who do not believe in the Qur'an, God challenged them gradually:
1. Challenging them to develop a kind of composition of the Qur'an as a whole
2. If you can, please arrange ten letters just a sort of Al-Quran
3. If you can, please arrange one letter
4. If it can not, God challenged man unti make something like more or less the same as the letter of the Qur'an
After all his efforts, humans can not and certainly will not be able to rival the Qur'an.
in terms of content, the structure of language, literature, and beauty, what is in the Qur'an is not just meaningless. Meanings contained in the Qur'an is so vast. Verses should always give the sense of the infinite possibilities, and always open to new interpretations. The Qur'an has been adjusted (it is definitely adjusted) for the whole day. The Qur'an contains instructions religion or shari'ah, and contain miracles, guidance, life in this world and the afterlife, as well as unseen news, as news of the man will be resurrected in the Hereafter. The Qur'an also contains a description of the scientific cues. The entire science and technology is basically derived from the Qur'an.
The virtue of reading the Qur'an, the reading is worship. For people who read the Qur'an will be rewarded has dijanjika Allah SWT. According to Ali Bin Abi Talib, reading Al-Qur'an 50 dalah virtue for each letter when read time praying, 25 virtues if outside the prayer (in a state of ablution), and 10 virtues if not ablution. Not just reading, listening to people who read the Qur'an will get a reward. In addition to reading and listening, learning and teaching to read the Qur'an as well is a virtue.
B. As-Sunnah
Sunnah means the tradition of the language, customs customs. In Islamic terminology, Sunnah means the actions, speech and imprimatur Prophet Muhammad (Af'al, aqwal, and Taqrir).
In measuring the authenticity of a Hadith (Sunnah), experts have created a science known as "musthalah hadith". To test the validity and truth of the hadith, the muhadditsin selecting with regard to the number and quality of the network is that the narrators of hadith sanaad.
Various kinds of As-Sunnah:
in terms of shape
1. Fi'li (actions of the Prophet)
2. Qauli (sayings of the Prophet)
3. Taqriri (approval or permission Prophet)
in terms of the number of people who communicate
1. Mutawir, which is narrated by many people
2. Famous, narrated by many people, but not to the (numbers) to the degree mutawir
3. Sunday, narrated by one person.
Judging from the quality
1. Saheeh, the hadith sound, correct, and valid
2. Hasan, the hadith is good, qualified authentic, but in terms of memorization unfavorable demeanor.
3. Weak hadith, the hadith is weak
4. Maudhu ', that is a false hadith.

Position of the Sunnah:
1. Sunnah is the second source of Islamic law after the Qur'an
2. People who violate the Sunnah will receive punishment (Surah Al-Mujadilah, 58: 5)
3. Making the Sunnah as a source of law is a sign of the believers (Surat an-Nisa '4: 65)
The difference in the Qur'an, the Sunnah:
• Any set of the Qur'an is the absolute value. While established Sunnah are not all absolute value. There are bersigat absolute, there is relative zhanni
• Acceptance of a Muslim to the Quran, is with confidence. Sedangakan against the Sunnah, the majority simply zhanny (strong allegations).

Religion middle Moderenisitas

In the midst of the modern era of the all this time, religion may have started to be forgotten by the people. Or they put religion only and sekuleritas status alone is not a guide to life, true Muslims should follow the times are there to be offset perdakwahan or inter-religious socialization.

But dizaman has become modernity, globalization dizaman life is indeed profitable, but losses could be mengarahkankan us into the pit of hell. Science technology and knowledge is very beneficial to us because it can be shared with the western world, because with the technology that has advanced this world nothing is blocking and we can communicate easily with inter-religious.

While the loss itself is certainly very dangerous, even this disadvantage which are taken by our religious society. Influence of western dress, food or even spending their economies has become a trend of Islamic society. Food dizaman now the ammunition fast food favorite food of our people when it was full of disease, and spending their economies by causing wasteful extravagant, wasteful when people who are friends of Satan.

Muslim women's dress has now evolved to bloom, maybe not with models sexy clothes but the western world has invaded our modern Moslem headscarf models that are tight or do not comply with the terms diajaran Islam. Since fashion trends are very quickly accepted because the ads that have proliferated dimasyrakat, if not followed will be obsolete. How Muslims respond to this order peruhal Religion pulse flowing didenyut this but we remain a society of modernity that is not obsolete.

Answering this question may come back to mind yourself, because it concerns our true faith and test trials that exist on earth are we able to avoid or even easily fall. Dizaman of globalization we might be smart to choose which one, which could be beneficial for both the human world and the Hereafter later. Hereafter is not harmful later in the dress because the dress has been addressed nakedness hard and determined no one can dodge this command.
Let us together religious Islam in the eyes of the world wake up, awaken Islam as it used to be the master of science and technology and knowledge so that we can control the modernity that is controlled by the West. And when we do not seek knowledge menyampinkan your religion ordain religious life in the veins, blood and your breath so you useful science and religion will be guiding the way that makes the science that will develop far.
And we should be able to stay away from the doctrine of the Western world that we want to make Islam the modernity but has been away from the Shari'a Al-Quran and Hadith, and middle age is also modernity of Islamic people or provoked so easily swayed between people easily played off so that the Western world playing their game to destroy Muslims. This is a very dangerous dizaman globalization is all-powerful, be careful because we memlih culture can affect our faith and our thoughts on religion Kitsa own.


Asalamualaikium wr wb
Alhamdulilah hiribil wabinnastain waaa alamin wasalam muridunia Wadin wasolatu asrofil ahyaiwarrmursali.
Praise be to Allah Almighty god bahwasan her until now we are still given the age and sound mind and body health kita.amin yes robbal alamin
Here I will try to argue about religion both conceptually and dilapangannya studies.
Religion is a belief that inherent in a person's heart dikarnakan he understood and knew for a doctrine which he considers appropriate to his heart's content and even become a way of life for someone to achieve what became his desires and beliefs.
The characteristics of the subject contained in religion:
1. miracle
2. Human beliefs about the supernatural powers
3. An emotional relationship of the human
4. Understanding the holy and sacred

Religion as we know it consists of a few such as:
1. religion Islam
2. Hinduism
3. Buddhism
4. Christianity
a) Catholic
b) Protestant
I am more oriented subject matter in Islam,
Religion Islam is the religion that brought a holy messenger of GOD Almighty that the Prophet Muhammad and the Quran holy book is the basis and guide us as a people the prophet Muhammad SAW, he was sent by God to spread the religion of Islam in this earth that mankind to the straight path .
Unlike other faiths Islam / Religion palng Islam that I believe are relevant and can serve as guidelines and reference of what you will and I have done in the future.
A few of my apologize if there are shortcomings.
Wasalamualaiku wr wb

Islam and Islamic Studies

Islam was born in Mecca in 611 AD marked decrease Qur'anic verses first. Scaled Islam in Arabia to lift the Arab society at the time of ignorance.
Islam is growing rapidly because Islam has characteristics that are open to be approached with a variety of comprehension. So also in our country growing so fast islam is because:
· The teaching is simple, easily understood and accepted.
Requirement is easy, just say the words' Creed, which contains the affirmation of "No God but Allah and Muhammad the messenger of Allah"
Islam does not recognize caste, making it more attractive to ordinary people whose numbers are even more substantial.
Religious ceremonies are very simple.
Islam spread by peaceful means through the arts and acculturation with the local culture.
The fall of Majapahit and Srivijaya led Islamic kingdoms flourished.
And in Indonesia itself is an archipelagic nation which has a society with different types of cultures and customs - customs of different - different. Therefore, there will arise a difference of thought. Differences in religion islam pemikran influenced by the culture and characteristics of the communities in the region also tersebut.begitu each state has a different cultural characteristics of different communities and different - different anyway. For example just thinking people with middle eastern Indonesia. Islamic Thought in the Middle East tend to be dominated by the view that Islam alone - just the eyes as the norm, while in Indonesia using Arabic instrumentation and experience budayan local incorporation.
Because of differences in religious pemikran different - different is no longer possible there will be a conflict. For instance that occurred in 2011 in the village of Cikeusik, Pandeglang, Banten (Sunday (6/2). Wonder who start first, for the umpteenth time Ahmadiyah attack again targeted by a group of people., And soon three people were killed Ahmadiyya . Shortly after that, due to the dissatisfaction of the court process, a certain group of people attacked some other place of worship in Waterford (Tuesday 8/2).
There has also been a church pembakran pasuruan and Bindo there in the mid 1990s and terhdapa church bombings in major cities in Indonesia on Christmas malalm 2000. Violence of this kind certainly harm the peace of the religious life in the community, and at international level, has tarnished the face of Indonesia which often portray themselves as a country that respects religious freedom. One then wonders about religious freedom is there room in this republic.
Under conditions of a pluralistic society with advanced technological facilities, understanding of religion and religious to be a very important thing to do is right and true because the community is often mixed up with religious social interests so difficult to distinguish where the real religion of the region and also the region where the "interests" historical cultures also inherent in it. In addition, the relationship between religious behavior society with technological progress very closely, and even influence each other. Religious behavior society will change with progress - progress achieved by the technology. Vice versa, the technology development can be triggered by inspiration - inspiration manifestation of religion in people's religious behavior adherents.

12.2. Signifkansi Religious Studies
Studies (Religion) Islam etymologically an Arabic translation of Dirasah Islamiyah. While Studies (Religion) Islam in the west is known as Islamic Studies. So Islamic studies is literally the study of matters relating to Islam. This meaning is so common that there needs to be understanding of terminological specification of Islamic studies in a systematic and integrated studies. In other words, Islamic Studies is a conscious and systematic effort to identify and Understand and discuss in depth about the ins and outs or other matters relating to the religion of Islam, both related to the teachings, history and practices of real implementation in everyday life day, throughout its history.
A. Objectives of the Study of Islam
For Muslims, Islam may be studied to establish the faith and the teachings of Islam, while for non-Muslims only a mere scientific discourse, it may even look for weakness of the Muslims so Islam is the purpose of the study as follows:
First, to understand and explore and discuss the teachings of Islam so that they can implement and practice the right way, and make it as a handle and a way of life. Understand and analyze the meaning of Islam is reflected in the actual context that Islam is a religion that leads to its followers as servants of the theological dimension, humanist, and salvation in this world and the hereafter. In Islamic studies, expected above objectives can be achieved.
Second, to make the teachings of Islam as a transparent scientific discourse can be accepted by many. In this case, the ins and outs of the religion and religious practices for Muslims form the basis of science. With this framework, the dimensions of Islam not just dogmentis, theological. But there are empirical sociological aspects. Diklain Islamic teachings as universal teachings really able to answer the challenges of the times, not as assumed most Orientalists who assume that Islam is a doctrine that requires lack of progress and unable to adapt to the changing times.


Calon Suami Ideal


1.Ketika dia miskin dia tidak mengeluh, apalagi putus asa.ia tetap bersabar sehingga ia benar-benar menjadi orang yang penyabar. ia terus berjuang untuk keluar dari kemiskinannya dan selalu bersyukur atas segala karunia yang telah ALLAH Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala berikan kepadanya.

2.Ketika kaya, dia tidak menjadi sombong dengan kekayaannya, justru dengan kekayaanya ia gunakan untuk banyak beramal di Jalan ALLAH Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala..

3.Dia senantiasa mengajak ke Jalan kebaikan, tutur katanya begitu sopan, bertanggung jawab, penuh teladan dan bisa menjadi pemimpin yang baik dalam berumah tangga..

4.Dia senantiasa berusaha untuk menjadi manusia yang bermanfaat bagi keluarga, masyarakat dan lingkungan sekitarnya yang semata-mata hanya mengharap Ridho ALLAH Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.

Alangkah bahagianya memiliki calon suami yang Ideal..

Untuk kaum Adam,berusahalah untuk menjadi Calon suami yang Ideal..

Untuk kaum Hawa,carilah calon suami yang Ideal agar Rumah Tangga menjadi Sakinah Mawaddah Warahmah..

Aamiin ya Rabbal'alamin..

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