Islam was born in Mecca in 611 AD marked decrease Qur'anic verses first. Scaled Islam in Arabia to lift the Arab society at the time of ignorance.
Islam is growing rapidly because Islam has characteristics that are open to be approached with a variety of comprehension. So also in our country growing so fast islam is because:
· The teaching is simple, easily understood and accepted.
Requirement is easy, just say the words' Creed, which contains the affirmation of "No God but Allah and Muhammad the messenger of Allah"
Islam does not recognize caste, making it more attractive to ordinary people whose numbers are even more substantial.
Religious ceremonies are very simple.
Islam spread by peaceful means through the arts and acculturation with the local culture.
The fall of Majapahit and Srivijaya led Islamic kingdoms flourished.
And in Indonesia itself is an archipelagic nation which has a society with different types of cultures and customs - customs of different - different. Therefore, there will arise a difference of thought. Differences in religion islam pemikran influenced by the culture and characteristics of the communities in the region also tersebut.begitu each state has a different cultural characteristics of different communities and different - different anyway. For example just thinking people with middle eastern Indonesia. Islamic Thought in the Middle East tend to be dominated by the view that Islam alone - just the eyes as the norm, while in Indonesia using Arabic instrumentation and experience budayan local incorporation.
Because of differences in religious pemikran different - different is no longer possible there will be a conflict. For instance that occurred in 2011 in the village of Cikeusik, Pandeglang, Banten (Sunday (6/2). Wonder who start first, for the umpteenth time Ahmadiyah attack again targeted by a group of people., And soon three people were killed Ahmadiyya . Shortly after that, due to the dissatisfaction of the court process, a certain group of people attacked some other place of worship in Waterford (Tuesday 8/2).
There has also been a church pembakran pasuruan and Bindo there in the mid 1990s and terhdapa church bombings in major cities in Indonesia on Christmas malalm 2000. Violence of this kind certainly harm the peace of the religious life in the community, and at international level, has tarnished the face of Indonesia which often portray themselves as a country that respects religious freedom. One then wonders about religious freedom is there room in this republic.
Under conditions of a pluralistic society with advanced technological facilities, understanding of religion and religious to be a very important thing to do is right and true because the community is often mixed up with religious social interests so difficult to distinguish where the real religion of the region and also the region where the "interests" historical cultures also inherent in it. In addition, the relationship between religious behavior society with technological progress very closely, and even influence each other. Religious behavior society will change with progress - progress achieved by the technology. Vice versa, the technology development can be triggered by inspiration - inspiration manifestation of religion in people's religious behavior adherents.
12.2. Signifkansi Religious Studies
Studies (Religion) Islam etymologically an Arabic translation of Dirasah Islamiyah. While Studies (Religion) Islam in the west is known as Islamic Studies. So Islamic studies is literally the study of matters relating to Islam. This meaning is so common that there needs to be understanding of terminological specification of Islamic studies in a systematic and integrated studies. In other words, Islamic Studies is a conscious and systematic effort to identify and Understand and discuss in depth about the ins and outs or other matters relating to the religion of Islam, both related to the teachings, history and practices of real implementation in everyday life day, throughout its history.
A. Objectives of the Study of Islam
For Muslims, Islam may be studied to establish the faith and the teachings of Islam, while for non-Muslims only a mere scientific discourse, it may even look for weakness of the Muslims so Islam is the purpose of the study as follows:
First, to understand and explore and discuss the teachings of Islam so that they can implement and practice the right way, and make it as a handle and a way of life. Understand and analyze the meaning of Islam is reflected in the actual context that Islam is a religion that leads to its followers as servants of the theological dimension, humanist, and salvation in this world and the hereafter. In Islamic studies, expected above objectives can be achieved.
Second, to make the teachings of Islam as a transparent scientific discourse can be accepted by many. In this case, the ins and outs of the religion and religious practices for Muslims form the basis of science. With this framework, the dimensions of Islam not just dogmentis, theological. But there are empirical sociological aspects. Diklain Islamic teachings as universal teachings really able to answer the challenges of the times, not as assumed most Orientalists who assume that Islam is a doctrine that requires lack of progress and unable to adapt to the changing times.
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