
Minggu, 10 Februari 2013


Asalamualaikium wr wb
Alhamdulilah hiribil wabinnastain waaa alamin wasalam muridunia Wadin wasolatu asrofil ahyaiwarrmursali.
Praise be to Allah Almighty god bahwasan her until now we are still given the age and sound mind and body health kita.amin yes robbal alamin
Here I will try to argue about religion both conceptually and dilapangannya studies.
Religion is a belief that inherent in a person's heart dikarnakan he understood and knew for a doctrine which he considers appropriate to his heart's content and even become a way of life for someone to achieve what became his desires and beliefs.
The characteristics of the subject contained in religion:
1. miracle
2. Human beliefs about the supernatural powers
3. An emotional relationship of the human
4. Understanding the holy and sacred

Religion as we know it consists of a few such as:
1. religion Islam
2. Hinduism
3. Buddhism
4. Christianity
a) Catholic
b) Protestant
I am more oriented subject matter in Islam,
Religion Islam is the religion that brought a holy messenger of GOD Almighty that the Prophet Muhammad and the Quran holy book is the basis and guide us as a people the prophet Muhammad SAW, he was sent by God to spread the religion of Islam in this earth that mankind to the straight path .
Unlike other faiths Islam / Religion palng Islam that I believe are relevant and can serve as guidelines and reference of what you will and I have done in the future.
A few of my apologize if there are shortcomings.
Wasalamualaiku wr wb

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